Here's the description:
Misses' top: pullover top has neck band and seam detail. A, B, C: Bias, loose-fitting, front extends to upper back, back extends to upper front, no shoulder or side seams and stitched hem. D, E, F: Close-fitting, bias lower front and lower back, raw edge finish and stitched hem on sleeves. Front and back cut on crosswise grain of fabric.

Sizing is A5 or 8 to 14 or E5 14 to 22
I made a size 14 and view B.
This pattern is sized for moderate stretch knits only so make sure you test your fabric on the gauge shown on the back.

I used a knit I purchased from Marcy Tilton. It is rather light and somewhat sheer, so I wore a white tank underneath.
I really like the length of this tunic. It would be just about perfect if you wore leggings with it.

I am really on the fence about views D to F. I just hate darts in T's. If I have a busy fabric, I may try it, but with a solid? Not sure I will even consider it.
Make this super easy pattern a part of your wardrobe. You'll love it!
Thanks for reading!
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