The pattern description is listed as this: Partially lined, pullover dress has short dolman sleeves, elasticized waistline and neckline with tie ends, stitched hems and above mid-knee length. Purchased stoppers for tie ends. This dress is listed as Very Easy for Vogue. It is sized for Two-way stretch knits only.
Yes, my face is red because it is HOT here! It was 100 degrees and I think our air is on the fritz. It has literally run non-stop all day and it is only getting warmer in here. It could be a long, hot night.
It is the 4th of July and my dog is terrified of all the fireworks. You can see he wanted back inside in the worst way!
I love this pattern. I loved my fabric--at first, then I realized it was too much for the original plan I had which was to make a maxi-dress. This fabric is an ITY jersey I purchased from Fabric Mart. I was heavenly to work with and feels great against your skin.
I do think that my tunic resembles the photograph.
This is a multi-sized pattern. My measurements are between a 14 and 16 and knowing the bodice is loose-fitting and the skirt is very snug, I cut the 16, knowing I would need to take in the bodice. What I didn't expect is that the bodice was fine and the skirt was huge! I double checked my fabric layout and pattern pieces, so I am not sure why I had to take 2 inches off each side of the skirt. I didn't want it as snug as the models, after all, she doesn't have any cellulite and I try to keep mine underwraps. A short, tight skirt won't do me any favors!
Here are the alterations I made:
1. Sleeves, the sleeves made the dress look like pajamas on me, so I started at the shoulder seam and cut a whopping five inches from that point and tapered to nothing at the side seams.
2. Length: I started with a maxi length, and felt like I was wearing a night gown. I didn't want to scrap the entire project, so between texts to my two DD, we came up with tunic, leggings, and belt.
I really like the style of the pattern. The casings for the elastic neckline and waistline are narrow, about 1/8 inch wider than the non-roll elastic (which you must use for this to look right) so be prepared for bigger triceps, biceps, and forearms!
Other reviewers mentioned the dress didn't need the waistline casing. It doesn't but I put one in anyway and I like the result. I think a designer dress is worth a few more steps.
I would recommed this pattern to others. It seems like there are a lot of options from fabric, length, etc.
Conclusion: test the skirt fit before you attach the skirt to the bodice so you get the fit you want. Lining the skirt is a great idea as everything lies nicely when you are finished.
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