So every year I vow to get in shape and stay in shape and typically I do really well with this promise to myself up until about October and then it seems like busyness, apathy, and life just gets in the way and I backslide into old habits...including not working out!
While it's not quite that bad, it does sometimes feel the way this looks!
So to start 2015 out right I decided the best and most appropriate thing to do is make some workout out clothes I will look forward to wearing and why not? They go together quickly and with this AMAZING fabric I choose from Fabric Mart to complete the job, I'll make more! This is a poly lycra blend and I wish you were able to touch it, it is SO soft! I wish I could wear something like this to work as I think I'd smile all day long! I'd certainly look and feel comfortable.

For the jacket I used Jalie 2679, or the women's sport jacket. I can't even tell you how long I've had this pattern and just never took the time to create it and wow--what was I waiting for? The details are awesome, the directions good although a little sparse, and the drafting is perfect. I LOVE this pattern and I am so pleased with my final result! It was fun playing with the layout of the pattern pieces to determine where I would use the contrasting white. I could have easily made this all in pink and been equally happy but I wanted some sort of contrast. I love the zippered pockets--aren't they awesome? You can fit quite a bit in them such as your cell phone, Kleenex, and even a pair of mittens--that is if you like to run outside like I do! My only alterations were to make my usual 1/2" swayback adjustment. I do feel the sleeves are long, but when you are running outside in cool weather, I prefer them to be too long so I can pull my hands into them if necessary.
The fabric behaved beautifully and it pressed well and stretched when it needed to. Lovely stuff, really lovely! And, who doesn't want pretty work out clothes? I love pink and if that motivates me to work out, then so be it!
At first I was a little worried I would stick out like a sore thumb but when I was at Target recently, I noticed that they have workout clothing in pretty colors and something other than black! Hip, hip, hooray!
For the pants, I used a Kwik Sew pattern that again, has been in my stash for quite a while. Kwik Sew 3988 has two versions of Yoga/workout pants with a long version with a waist inset, perfect for color blocking, or a shorter version that's knee length that you can make color blocked at the waist seam and outer legs at the knees.
Both views have a gusset at the crotch area--which makes you able to move in multiple ways--even ways you didn't know your body was capable of doing!
Everything went together well and I did struggle with which size to make. These pants are supposed to be very close fitting (tight) and for an over 50 year old woman, I certainly didn't want them overly tight as no one wants to see that rear view, even if you are working out! So, long story short, I cut a large, knowing they be a little loose but with only 1/4" seam allowances, I knew it would be easier to take them in as there is not much room for error if they were too small!
I can't even tell you how much I took these in! I would say I ended up, size wise, between a small and medium rather than anywhere near a large! And, I took them in everywhere except the length which I lengthened by about 1.5 inches and found that to be just about perfect for me.
I LOVE this fabric. It is so soft and I am very happy with the patterns I choose to make this outfit. I wish it would have been nice enough outside to pose out there for the photos, but the wind chill was about -30 degrees with an air temp of minus zero. No thanks! Not going out there if I can help it!
Thanks for reading and I so appreciate your comments. If Fabric Mart has any of this fabric left, don't hesitate to purchase is for any knit garment. It is lovely stuff!