Saturday, July 1, 2017

Another Maxi! Jalie 3246

I've had this pattern for quite some time.  Not sure why I haven't made it as it is super cute and such a classic style!  Whelp. I had some extra time and made it and I am so sorry I waited so very long!

Look at how stunning the styling of this dress is!  It is super fitted through the bust and then gently flows from the waist to the hemline but still skims your curves.  I love how super elegant it looks on the pattern front.

Don't mind the action shot above. :)  I had my vest on, and my fashion photographer told me to take it off a put it on my arm.  So I did.

You just get to see the blurry photos as I am either turning or moving my clothing.  :)

May I say that this print is drop dead gorgeous?  It is what I remember to be a Maggy London ITY knit I purchased from Fabric Mart last summer.  Yes, I did get majorly sunburned several days ago and that is still visible in this photo.  At least it doesn't hurt anymore.

The first thing to do was to determine what the center front would be.  Unfortunately this is still a bit too long and you can't totally see what 'motif' I decided to be center front.  For reference, I am 5 feet 7 inches.  Just a bit taller than that standard of 5 feet 6 inches. 

Gosh, I love this fabric!  Look at those colors!  They look much more muted in person than they do in photographed.

There really isn't much to say about construction of this garment.  You reinforce the shoulder seams with clear elastic.   Next, I put on the neckband.  Jalie has you attach the right side of the neckband to the wrong side of the garment.  After stitching that step, you fold the neckband over to the right side of the garment, fold the raw edge into the neckband and are left with a nice edge to stitch on the right side to hold everything in place.  I, of course, take an extra step.  

I like to ensure none of my neckbands, armholes, or any sort of band stretches out of shape, especially with an ITY knit.  
I know you have seen on my blog before so I will just describe it if you are unfarmilar.  I attach staytape on the wrong side of the garment so it barely is in the seamline--maybe the staytape extends 1/8" over.  Next, I sew on the binding making sure it covers the staytape.  I never worry about my bias seams stretching when I use this method.  

Typically I also cut my bindings just a bit wider than the pattern suggests.  Sometimes that is 1/8" and sometimes that is 1/4".  For this stretchy of a knit, I used 1/4".  I just makes turning that edge to the right side so much easier and doesn't add any bulk.  

Lastly, I topstitch on the right side of the garment using a stretch stitch.  I think this dress is going to be in frequent rotation the remainder of the summer and for years to come.  It feels like I am wearing a supper elegant pair of pajamas but look like I am ready for just about any occasion possible.  I will wear this many places!  

Thanks for reading!
Sue :)  


  1. What a lovely dress! I've had that pattern lurking. I'm totally stash diving to find something to make it with now!

  2. OMG, I would never have picked this to be such a beautiful maxi! Wonderful fabric, thks for sharing.

  3. Thank you for sharing some tips for sewing this. It is beautiful. What kind of stay tape do you use?

    1. Hi Diane,
      I just use the Dritz stay Tape. It comes in about 1/2" wide rolls. When I am making a pattern that calls for smaller seam allowances than 5/8", I adjust where the placement of the tape will be. So for instance, this dress has 1/4" seam allowances so 1/4" of the tape extended off the edge of the dress and I just cut it off. Does that make any sense whatsoever?

  4. Beautiful fabric! Such a perfect match for a maxi where it can be totally showcased :) Thanks for your tutorial on neck bands! I've never tried this method but I like such a neat finish.
