Sunday, June 25, 2017

Love Notions Rhapsody Top

I love indy patterns companies, how about you?  The variety of styles, styling, fit, I am just so amazed when I use an Indy.  I saw Deepika from SPR review this recently and decided to check out this pattern.

I had never heard of Love Notions.  I really love the styling of this top--so many options for making this pattern in at least 8 sleeve options.  Who does that?  Indy patterns do, that's who!

Would you look at the design of this top!

I really love the overall fit.  That back pleat is very cute.

Let me tell you about the fabric I used.

Since this is a new to me pattern company, and since I am trying to whittle-down my closet to things I really like or have no use for, I took an old RTW linen skirt that I loved the fabric but hated the fit and made it into this top.  

The uneven stripe in the shades of blue was super cute as a skirt.  Too bad that it fit so poorly, or shall I say that this was a great excuse to make this into something I might really like?

The pattern instructions have you compare your high-bust to your full bust to determine if you need an FBA.  In the big 4, I always need an FBA.  With Love Notions patterns, you measure and then determine if you need to use the regular front bodice or the bodice pattern pieces with the built-in FBA.  Surprisingly, I did not need the FBA.  What???

Is that stripe fun or what?  Typically I make a swayback adjustment but I didn't need to with this pattern.  Sorry about the wrinkles.  It's linen, wrinkles are inevitable, right?

Since I had such limited yardage, this top is slightly shorter in the front and back.  I just didn't have quite enough to make this as long as the pattern suggests.  You will also note that my sleeves don't match stripe-wise.  Again, I didn't have enough fabric to make two duplicate sleeves.  I only had enough to make bias sleeves and they wouldn't be mirror images of one another.  It's okay.  I think it adds visual interest. 

Let's talk about the neckline finish for a moment.  I typically hate using bias tape for the neckline but in this instance, it turned out great--a finish I am really proud of!
For this, I simply didn't have enough fabric to make my own bias tape, which I am a huge fan of!  I used a remnant of the purchased binding from another project.  Sometimes I wonder if I keep too many scraps of things.  Do you ever wonder that for yourself?  In this case, it was just enough to finish the neckband and create ties!   

I really love making narrow hemlines.  I used 1/4" fusible seam tape and ironed it on.  I gave it a double turn and stitched.  I am so happy with the finish.  It duplicates RTW. 

I used the same technique on the lower hem.  Damn, I did I great job with this top!  Is that okay to say?  I hope so as I am super happy with how it turned out.  DH also loves it.
I think I see many more Love Notions patterns in my future!

Thanks for reading!
Sue :)


  1. That's a very cute top. Yes, you did do a great job :)
    Blue is a good color for you. Enjoy wearing this.

  2. so cute! I'm really glad you sewed this. I follow the Love Notions group on FB (the Sabrina Slims are my favorite leggings ever), and I've been waiting to see this actually reviewed. Some of Tammi's drafting gets a little wonky around the armscye, but this looks great!

  3. This pattern with its styling is perfect on the linen, and these blues look great on you! I know I keep too many scraps!

  4. Gorgeous top! I love reading stories like this :) taking something you never wear and turning it into something you love and will wear out!
