Sunday, July 21, 2019

StyleArc Gem Knit Tee

Today for you I have another top, this time an knit tee from StyleArc.  I am such a SA fan!  

Here's what this one looks like: 

image 2

If you've sewn a SA pattern before, you know the instructions are very sparse.  However, if you've made a tee shirt, you don't even need directions.  

For this top, I was scrap-busting.  The solid front was a remnant.  The black lace was from my stash.  It's a designer lace from Fabric Mart.  You'll notice the back hem is longer than the front.  It's also curved.

I used the lace on the sleeves as well.  For the sleeves, I wanted them slightly flared.  I slashed the sleeves in six places and put a 1/4" insert to add almost an inch to the total space.  I had hoped it would flare a bit more but I should have known with the limited amount I added that it wouldn't be dramatic at all.  

I didn't hem the sleeves.  I found an area of the lace to just cut around and that design became the hem.  

For the lower hemline, I used clear SewkeysE hem tape that was an inch wide.  I like using one-inch hems in my knits so they don't curl.  I used the same tape only 1/2" wide to stabilize the shoulders.

I found this tee a bit snug for me through the shoulder area.  In measuring my shoulder breadth, I added across the back neck area between the points where the neck and shoulder join.  I also added from the neck/shoulder junction to the shoulder area.

I used Designer Joi's method to fit the bust area.  I so love her method!

Now that I have a good fit on this tee, you'll see more of these!
Thanks for reading!


  1. Love this top! (Well...the truth is, I love everything you make!)
    Could you post the link to Designer Joi's method for fitting the bust?

    1. Thanks so much Amy! What a nice thing to say! Here's a link to Joi's blog. I took a class from her last summer and that's where I learned the technique. I also have her fitting books, which you can see on the blog link. I hope you find this helpful!
