Sunday, June 23, 2019

Yet another Harmony...

Yes, that's right...a third Harmony. Some patterns are just worthy of repeating and this is one of them. 

In case you are wondering, here is the pattern.  It is from StyleArc, a company located in Australia.  I am a bonafide SA junkie! 

Image result for images StyleArc Harmony

This time, I used this floral coral print from Telio that I purchased at  

This fabric!  I simply love it.  I rescued a near flop from disaster by cutting it up and using it for this top.  Whew!

I really love how this top looks.  Those flounces!

Enough said, right?

For this fabric, since it's poly and doesn't hold a press well, I ended up topstitching the flounce seams about 1/8" from the seamline.

I had this cute little blue button in my stash that worked great for the closure.  

Thanks for reading! I am going to put this pattern to rest for a bit. I am sure you'll see more of it in the future.  Wouldn't this be a cute dress? 


1 comment:

  1. Nice recovery! Those punchy colors look great on you.
