Sunday, June 30, 2019

Summer sewing--StyleArc Olive Spliced top

I think it's safe to say that I simply love sewing dresses.  However, you can only have so many summer dresses, especially when you only work part of the summer.  I am dedicating the next week or so to simply sewing tops.  I need them for casual wear and to wear with skirts or pants.  Today, I made this top by SA:

Image result for images style arc olive spliced top

This is the Olive Spliced top.  You can make it in either a light woven or a knit.  I chose a white linen for my version. 

And, here it is!

I love this top!  It feels breezy and who doesn't love a crisp white top for summer?  

I love all the seaming on this.  When SA named this the 'spliced top' they were exactly right! 

Yep, the back mimics the front.  I chose to topstitch my seams, just because I really like to topstitch.

This is a great length, not too short and not too long.

Here you can see the neckband.  The directions call for the neckband being cut on the grain but looking at the neckline and how shaped it is, I knew it needed cut on the bias.  I wasn't wrong.

Thanks for reading and I hope you are getting some summer sewing done!


  1. I LOVE THIS!!!! Is this a new pattern?? I have to have it!

    1. Hi KS, this is not a new pattern. I've had it for quite a while but hadn't used it. What a shame on my part! I hope you do try this. I'll be watching for your review!

    2. I can't wait to see with you do with this!

  2. Beautifully executed top! Love all the topstitching.
