Sunday, March 4, 2018

Sacha dress!

You all know how much I love StyleArc, right?  This is a pattern I've had for a bit and finally got around to making.  Since January 1st, I have only been sewing garments made from fabric and patterns in my stash.  I thought this would literally be torture, but I've made it and with fabrics like this in my stash, I've been surprised at how many fun things are hiding in that overflowing mess in my sewing room! 

Back to the pattern--here is the one I used:

Sacha Shirt Sewing Pattern By Style Arc - Stylish long line over shirt with ¾ length sleeves

I love the simple style of this!  But, I had almost four yards of this pretty rayon and I didn't want to have much left.  So...I decided to lengthen this to a dress by adding six inches to the sleeves and blouse.  

I know there are other patterns I could have used but I really wanted to try this one out.  This rayon is from Fabric Mart.  The colors are just so pretty!

I probably could have added eight inches to the bottom, but too late now!  

I wish I would remember to keep my chin down when we take photos.

It was windy again today too!  I am glad this isn't a full skirt or you'd see more than you wanted to!

StyleArc patterns fit me really well.  

I really love this super simple and colorful dress. 

Now the weather needs to warm up!  

Thanks for reading!