Tuesday, December 13, 2016

What makes a seamstress advanced?

Have you ever thought about how you rate your sewing or crafting skills?  I do all the time!  When I jumped back into sewing after about a 15 year hiatus, I knew I was beyond beginner, and advanced beginner but wondered what new techniques, new fabrics, new fitting issues had arisen due to a 15 year older body so I rated myself as intermediate.

Well, that was almost 5 years ago.  I would say that I have improved in fitting myself and others tremendously.  I would say I've brushed up on some skills I had only partially attempted in previous years.  I have become better at taking risks with fabric and with styles.  I do however still have the occasional flop that's due to either a poor style choice, poor fabric choice, or poor execution due to sloppiness.  Does anyone else occasionally experience this?

But....does that make me an intermediate or an advanced sewist?  I wonder....

Just a note, I am NOT looking for compliments.  I am merely sharing thoughts.  I do know what I will or will not do with my sewing level at the beginning of 2017 on SPR.  I am wanting to know how you all have come to your personal conclusions regarding your sewing ability.

Will you please share your thoughts?

I'd love to hear them!

Happy sewing!



  1. This is my favorite question! I think most anyone advances from Beginner to Advanced Beginner pretty quickly. And then sit there to Intermediate for a long time.

    But then Advanced can mean so many things. Does it HAVE to be only those that do extensive tailoring or couture type of work? I don't know.

    (Can you delete the other comment? Thanks!)

    1. Thanks for responding KS! I too think that advanced can mean so many things! I know some that I would say are advanced yet they've never made a tailored anything! That doesn't mean they aren't advanced, right?

  2. I concur....I think that advanced can mean so many things too. As for myself, because I am so critical of my work I haven't yet placed myself in the advanced category no matter what it could mean. I sew a lot of advanced Vogue patterns, so am I considered Advanced? I seem to have mastered Vogue pattern instructions categorized as advanced. I have been sewing for over 20 plus years maybe longer and consider myself as an Intermediate sewer.

    1. Bpatricia74, I would say you are most definitely advanced! I too am so very critical of my own sewing, I am not sure I will ever get to advanced status!
