Friday, July 3, 2015

June's forgotten garments and a new Jalie top!

How could I have forgotten to include Kwik Sew 3703 and from the same fabric for June's wrap up? 

McCall's 7064?  My fav of the two is the Kwik Sew tunic!

Onto July sewing!  I received Jalie Dolman top pattern--3352--in the mail and made it up the next day!  It's super easy, fun, and stylish!  Who knew you could get all that in one package?

You can make it casual or dressier, depending on the fabric you choose!  I had to go to Joann's and pick up a spool of thread and low and behold, I saw this fabric--a BIG voice in my head screamed WARNING!!!!  THIS IS JOANN'S and her fabric tends to be well, crap!  Yes, I know, but I reasoned that recently DD1 said things have been much better and she's purchased some fabric that was actually nice. is pretty, and it's a knit, and it's 50% off so thing I remember is that I am cutting out this top.

First of all, let's talk about how FREAKING AWESOME this pattern is!  The newer Jalie's have color-coded lines to cut out the sizes.  So easy!  So well drafted!  This is my fit straight from the envelope and I cut a V for a bust of 37:

Not bad!  I do think I need an FBA andI just realized I didn't take a photo of the back!  I liked how it fit.

Directions are straight forward, easy to follow, and great visuals!  Although let's face it, this is a super simple top and if you've sewn a tee before, you don't even need the directions.  A beginner could stitch this up with success!  Jalie also tells you have to create this top if you don't have a serger.

I choose to make a neckband and the directions are very good for this step as well.  I made a silly mistake and put the neckband seam at the center FRONT, not the BACK where it belongs.  That's what I get for sipping a glass of wine while sewing--in other words, don't do it!  Now I could pick it apart and resew, but honestly this fabric isn't worth it.  I'll make another.  I didn't even notice I had sewn the neckband on incorrectly until I had it on and wondered why the front neckline felt 'heavy'.

Chalk that up to a mistake to never make again!!!

I also didn't notice the fabric was only 45" wide.  Who does that with a knit?  I purchased 1.5 yards and had to cut the back a little shorter to accommodate the pattern pieces.

I used my serger and coverstitch and this came together in about an hour.  I did topstitch the neckband after applying it, according to the pattern directions.

Love, love, love the pattern and will make more!  Just avoid crappy fabric.  It isn't worth it!!!

Thanks for reading!

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