Thursday, February 19, 2015

Another StyleArc, could this be love?

So I sewed up the third of a recent purchase from StyleArc and couldn't be happier!  This pattern is for the Lillian jacket and it is so on-trend right now!

This knit jacket has a fabulous new engineered sleeve
See what I mean?

Here is a description from the StyleArc site: 
The engineered sleeve gives this gorgeous knit jacket a slim and interesting look.  The collar hugs the neck and falls softly to the front.  Try making it with contrast facings or contrast side panels.  This will become a go to jacket, right for all occasions.

I was snoop shopping at a local department store and came across a very similarly styled jacket made of lace and a mesh-type fabric and thought--B-i-n-g-o!  Now, I know what to do with the pretty lace I recently acquired from Fabric Mart! 

I don't have a lot of experience sewing with lace fabrics but decided to go for it anyway.  The styling is simple and I figured the lace could handle the silhouette.  I think it did, what do you say?  

StyleArc's directions are pretty minimal, and I had one head scratching moment based on the wording and decided to email the ladies and guess what, they got back to me just about immediately and included a photo of the instruction clarification!  Talk about service!  That was nice--also, did I mention I live on the other side of the planet from Australia?  Impressive!  

There is no interfacing or anything notion-wise that would cause a trip to purchase fabric other than perhaps you don't have fabric to use for this!  

I love the slightly longer back--it is slight but doesn't look mulletish at all!  My only deviation was to eliminate the pockets--it isn't that I didn't want them, I just didn't want to put them in a lace top and have show through!

The sleeves are unique in that they are two-pieces but the under-sleeve is sewn to the side panel and gives a unique shape to the garment.  This tested my wavy-stripe matching ability and I did okay!

I enjoyed whipping this up and wore it to work today with denim-looking leggings and received so many compliments!  I love how long this jacket is--perfect to cover all my backsides without needing to pull it down or rearrange it at all and I am 5'7"!  If you are significantly shorter than this, check the measurements before cutting out.  

I hope to make this in some additional heavier and lighter-weight knits!  A winner of a pattern!

Thanks for reading!



  1. Here from PR and I still really love this cardigan. Very nice job, and TFS, Annette

  2. I am looking for a jacket pattern like this right now - I am off to check out the PR community! I appreciate all the photos here, Sue! Would you consider posting SA's clarification instructions here?

    1. Oh, I hope you like this pattern if you choose to purchase it!
      Why yes, here is SA's clarification. Stitching flat is another term for understitching the facing. It is as simple as that! Let me know if you have any other questions!

  3. I would never even have looked at this pattern according to the pictures. I love what you have done with it and will need to get it now.
