Sunday, August 3, 2014

Jalie 2788 Women's Twist Tops from a stash bustin' Sunday!

Week 2 of a Stash buster.  This time around, it was a Sunday instead of Saturday.
I had this knit from my stash, a mere 1 yard.  I had a difficult time figuring out what to do with it that I would be happy about.  Know what I mean?  I'd had other ideas before but they all involved using two or three fabrics and I just wasn't in the mood for a lot of piecing and combining fabrics.
So, I pulled out this pattern from my stash.

I'd had success with it before and thought I'd try it again.  Here is my first go around.

I really loved the fabric and thought it showcased the design pretty well.  

This time however, I didn't have as much fabric to make a long or 3/4 length.  So I thought about a sleeveless version or even the short puff-sleeved version.  I had an issue with the puff-sleeves.  A very young lady is modeling it and the last time I remembered wearing puff-sleeves was about 25 years ago.  Scratch that idea.  I went with the short sleeves, unpuffed which required me to alter the 3/4 sleeve version.  Easy-peasy.  

I had thought about adding the flounce but decided against it.  Also, the back tie is very cute but I had to struggle to get all my pieces laid out and didn't have a scrap big enough or long enough to accommodate the tie.  It was a tight squeeze but perfect for a stash buster as I don't want to deal with any leftovers that I would feel guilty about tossing in the trash.  

So the first time around, I struggled with getting the front bands to lie nicely without needing the support of a safety pin.  And actually, when I look online at other seamstress' creations, I notice a lot of issues with the crossover and keeping it from flipping so you can see the wrong side.  

I played with this a lot and finally got it to lie flat.  I wish I could recount exactly what I did, but I can't.  Trust me when I say that I had to take this off numerous times, pin, baste, and try on again.  I finally got it right!  

So, I did have to break out some plain black knit from my stash in order to create the band that trims the front and back neckline and while I was at it, I made the sleeve bands from the black as well.  I also made a black band for the lower hem so it all coordinated.  After I completed this top, DH said he really likes the top but thought the modesty thingy should also be black, not patterned.  At least he said he liked it.  I am so unsure when he gives me comments such as, "Well, I like it if you like it."  Or the equally helpful, "Hmmmm...."  So, I will be taking the modesty panel out and wearing a black cami.  

This top goes together well.  I really like Jalie's visual instructions.  While the written directions are minimal and concise, the visuals are typically very helpful.  If you have experience sewing with knits, you'll have success with this top.  

I like this and plan to wear it often this fall.  

Thanks for reading!


  1. The top is lovely, with or without a black panel.

  2. This is really cute. Looks nice on you. Happy sewing.

  3. Nice top , I like the twist.How is the modesty panel sewn to the top ? I am curious to know , please let me know
