Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Sew Liberated Schoolhouse Tunic

Pattern Description:  Here is a description from the back of the envelope: Stylish, flattering, and quick to sew, the Schoolhouse Tunic is a versatile addition to your wardrobe.  This pattern lets you make a tunic to wear as a dress of over jeans--or make a shirt.  The Schoolhouse Tunic features front and back pleats, 3/4-length sleeves with optional elastic gathering at the cuff, and an open bodice perfect for layering over your favorite camisole or tank.

Pattern Sizing: sizes 2 to 20 are included in one envelope.  I started with the 14-16 and ended up taking it in about 4 inches.  Keep that in mind if you decide to make this up. 

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it?
Why yes, I think it does!

Were the instructions easy to follow?
Directions are super easy.  I actually decided to read them since I am unfamiliar with this pattern company.  Any beginner could pick this up and if you follow the directions closely, you'll have a nice garment. 

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?
I really liked the styling.  It is super casual but yet fun.  DH said it was a little too hippy-dippy for him.  Honestly, I've never heard him say this before so I am a little stumped as to what he actually means and at the moment I can't press him too much as American Pickers is on. 
I disliked how big and floppy this top runs. 

Fabric Used:
I used this beautiful rayon blend I purchased a the American Quilt Society show in Des Moines last weekend.  The sales person was the guy that designed it.  I wish I would have kept the receipt as I really like it and it was a breeze to sew.  I have no idea how to contact him for future purchases.  :( 

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made:
I took in the front and made vertical pleats six inches long that ran parallel to the stitching that holds down the bodice facing.  It helped but I do think I could have taken the skirt in as well.
I ended up making the back darts bigger by one inch each and then making vertical darts three inches long that intersect at the waist seam.
Just for fun, I used variegated thread when topstitching.
There wasn't any interfacing and I added it to the facing pieces to give the bodice a little more shape.
I stay stitched the neck edge prior to attaching the facings.    

Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others?
For me, I won't sew it again, but if one of my daughters wanted one, I'd create it for them.  It is a fun style, but let's face it, one is enough.  I do recommend this to others if you need an instant gratification project.  If you are a beginner, it is great as there are no zippers or button holes. 

This was a fun to construct and easy to whip up top.  I made a promise to myself to break out of my shell and sew patterns from Indy companies rather than my usual Vogue that I love so much.  The only problem is that many of the Indies are spendy.  I forked out 15 bucks for this pattern and usually I can find the big 4 patterns for less than four dollars each.  Now I know why I tend to stick with what I know.  :)