Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My acceptance! Wow!

I simply can't believe it, I was awarded this wonderful honor by a sewing friend with the pen name, art attack.  Here is her link:myartattack.blogspot.com With all the bloggers out there, I am just thrilled that she thinks I am inspiring!  Wow, how cool is that? 
My art attack

Well, in following the rules of this esteemed award, I will pass this onto some of my favorites that are out there!  First step is the review the rules:

1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. Add The One Lovely Blog Award / The Very Inspiring Blogger Award to your post.
3. Share 7 things about yourself.
4. Pass the award on to 10 nominees (or a few less if you are short on time)
5. Include this set of rules.
6. Inform your nominees by posting a comment on their blogs.

So, here are 7 things about me that you would have no way of knowing:

1.  I consider my greatest accomplishment is to have raised four beautiful, smart, creative children that are well-adjusted and just all around great adults.  :)   On second thought, maybe some of you do know this as I tend to brag about my greatest accomplishment! 

2.  If there is one thing I could do all over again, it would be to have taken up the violin instead of the piano. 

3.   I am a special education teacher for children birth to five years old. 

4.   When I was a kid, I would spend all summer playing school with all the neighbor kids.  I was the teacher, or course! 

5.  I used to sell Tupperware.  It was a mistake, I know! 

6.  I am afraid of being lonely as I grow old.

7.  I really wish I would have had two more children.  I always wanted six! 

And now...the envelopes please! I would like to pass the love on to the following blogs:
My oldest daughter, Emily, has a wonderful blog that she calls cosmosandcashmere.  She knits, sews, spins her own yarn, etc.  She is such a risk-taker when it comes to creativity.  I really admire that in her.  http://cosmosandcashmere.blogspot.com/
Marcy Tilton.  Enough said. Yes, I know it probably isn't fair to nominate a professional seamstress and pattern designer, but what the hey, I can nominate whomever I'd like.  :)   http://marcytiltonblog.blogspot.com/
Jilly Be Joyful.   She is always smiling and it is no wonder why, her creations are lovely!  http://jillybejoyful.blogspot.com/2012/12/bring-on-rain-soho-raincoat.html
Miss Celie's pants.  She is cute, takes great pictures and makes some lovely outfits.  http://missceliespants.com/2012/12/28/burda-magazine-92012-130-purple-friday-side-gather-pullover/
That is it for now.  There are many other worthy nominates, is that a word?  However some of my favorite sewers don't blog.  They just write sewing pattern reviews. 
Have a wonderful and creative year!
Sue :) 

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