Saturday, June 16, 2012

organization ideas for too much fabric and UFOs!

So, my stash seems to be multiplying like rabbits--every time I turn around there is an amazing sale on a lovely piece of fabric that has my name written all over it, so I do what any fabriholic would do--I buy!  Folding and stacking all the fabric has taken over and I couldn't seem to find anything any more.  So, I came up with this solution.  It works for me! 

I confiscated an empty closet, now I know that many of you don't have an empty closet, but I had one that had a lot of junk in it so I cleaned that bad boy out and took over.  I hung all the woven fabric on plastic hangers and folded all the knits and stacked that.  All the denim is in a storage tub at the bottom of the closet. 

To handle all the UFOs (Un Finished Objects), mending, alterations, I purchased the coat tree seen in the picture.  If I have my projects in plain sight, they seem to eventually become finished and out of my work space! 

I hope you find these suggestions helpful--or if you have a better solution, please share!  I am always willing to snag a great idea!


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